AP 103
Emergency Procedures
The purpose of this procedure is to provide the highest standards of health, safety, and security for students and staff, and to ensure that action plans are prepared to deal with emergencies.
- A Standard Emergency Procedures Manual will be prepared and maintained for reference in emergency situations. The Standard Emergency Procedures Manual is available on the as well as the hard copy format at every site.
- The manual will be reviewed annually by management staff with updates approved by the Superintendent.
- Management staff and principals will review the Emergency Procedures Manual with staff annually and will regularly assess to identify potential hazards and increase the awareness of staff and students to these hazards as identified by the Industrial Health and Safety Committee.
AP 103-1 Guidelines for Fire Drills
- A site and floor plan will be prepared for each building housing students or employees. This plan will show the type, location, and operation of building fire emergency systems. These plans will be posted throughout the building, and a copy will be provided to each employee. Updated plans, including any structural changes or additions, will be provided to the Fire Chief.
- Instruction in safe and orderly evacuation of buildings should be given frequently enough to ensure that all students and staff are completely familiar with the procedures to be used and the reasons for their use.
- Teachers will be instructed how to use the break-glass station, provide for the disabled, and confine and control small fires.
- School drills should be held as frequently as necessary, but not less than three times in the fall and three times in the spring. Drills for other facilities housing employees should be held once a year.
- Telus at 1.250.384.2353 and the Fire Department at 604.853.3566 must be notified prior to conducting a fire drill.
AP 103-2 Guidelines for Earthquake Drills​
- Since immediate and appropriate reactions are essential in an earthquake, drills should generate classroom discussions, demonstrations, and exercise that will help students and staff learn and practice where to seek shelter and how to protect themselves from falling or flying objects.
- Complete drills should be held twice a year. Principals are reminded that the guidelines for regular drills are meant to serve as a basis for part of the entire school safety program. The principal is responsible for coordinating the communication of all safety procedures to staff, students, and parents.
- The drills should cover appropriate actions during the actual earthquake and after the ground stops shaking.
- The principal should seek advice from experts before determining response procedures for a particular school. Building design and materials may be key indicators of appropriate drills and emergency procedures.
- Before participating in earthquake drills, students should receive a thorough explanation of what is expected of them. The person giving the instructions should emphasize that, while the ground is shaking, students will be safest by finding immediate shelter under desks, tables, counters, etc. to avoid falling objects. The instructor should also note the noise and disorder that will accompany an earthquake, and emphasize that a calm, quiet response by teachers and students is essential
- Refer to the for procedures during an earthquake.
Last Revised: May 2013