digital-learning-tools digital-learning-tools

Digital Learning


The Abbotsford School District subscribes to the BC Digital Classroom. This robust collection of online resources is available to students, staff and families to support learners anytime, anywhere.



Our digital learning resources include:

  • science content for elementary, middle and secondary students;
  • some of your favourite Canadian resources;
  • World Book (WB), EBSCO and much more!

Focused Ed

Colourful Live it Earth Graphic Logo Live it Earth - Logo

Live it Earth

Grades: K-8
Topic: Inquiry

Discovery Education Logo that include earth in graphic Discovery Education - Logo

Discovery Education

Grades: 6-8 Only
Topic: Science, ELA, and Inquiry

Graphic astronaut soaring to space for the SORA logo Sora - Logo


Grades: K-12

Colourful icon with dotted book and scissors, and beside it has letters that say "Book Creator" Book Creator - Logo

Book Creator

Grades: K-12

Blue background with logo name of ±õ¶Ùɳ¢³¢°¿ ±õ¶Ùɳ¢³¢°¿ Logo


Grades: French Immersion K-12 
Topics: Core French teachers (Middle and Secondary) 

Seesaw App Icon with the "S" Seesaw App Logo


Grades: K-8 available but primarily used K-3.

Words that read "my Blueprint" in blue writing MyBlueprint Logo


Education Planner
Grades: 6-12

Blue writing that says "epic!" Epic! logo

EPIC Books

Grades: K-5

Letters "F" "V" "R" "L" with graphic blocks logo for Fraser Valley Regional Library FVRL Logo

Fraser Valley Regional Library

Grades: All

Block letters for IXL logo. Blue letter "I" and yellow lettings "XL" with learning underneath IXL Logo


IXL is a personalized learning platform that allows for students to move through instructional material in English Language Arts and Mathematics at their own pace, provides diagnostics on their learning to the teacher and helps teachers plan next steps for their students. 

Green, Red, Blue, Yellow block with a white half sun over top. Words that read, Learning A-Z Learning A-Z Logo

Learning A-Z

Learning A-Z tools include: 

  • RAZ Kids
  • Reading A-Z
  • Learning A-Z 
  • Headsprout
  • ELL Reading Solution
Black, blue and white words that say "Math Up Classroom" Math Up Classroom Logo

Math Up

MathUp is a tool for increasing teacher competency with mathematical concepts.
Grades: K-8

Black and blue words that read "SpacesEDU" SpacesEDU logo


Proficiency-based portfolio and assessment tool.

Adobe Express Logo Adobe Express

Adobe Express

Minecraft Education Logo, grey and blue text Minecraft Education

Minecraft EDU

Connect students passion with purpose through game-based learning.

Orange Text, Prodigy Logo Prodigy Logo


Engage students, differentiate content and discover learning insights with Prodigy's game-based learning platform for math and English.

Topic: Math
Grades: 1-8

Topic: English
Grades: 1-6

Text/logo for NoveList Plus NoveList Logo

NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus is an online readers' advisory tool and database that helps you search for books that meet your needs. It helps readers find new books and audiobooks based on books they've read or on topics in which they are interested.

text that reads "CAN CORE" Can Core Logo


Can-Core is a core curriculum content platform created by McIntyre Media Inc. for use in Canadian schools. All of the K-12 content is correlated to the K-12 curriculum. We are proud to share a vast amount of Canadian content, including a significant number of titles from Indigenous filmmakers across Canada. Our platforms feature content that will engage and inspire students, facilitate creative thinking, encourage open discussion, inspire critical thinking, and foster inquiry skills.

Underwater graphic with a dolphin logo

Logiciel Educatif FR

The site aims to help students in their school learning, thanks to educational games. The games can be played online, they are all free and no installation or registration is necessary. All the games have been designed by a specialized teacher and TUIC (Technique Usuelle de l'Information et de la Communication) trainer. Other teachers (and technicians) regularly contribute. Based on experiments and feedback from teachers, parents and children themselves, the games are updated to improve their educational relevance, playability and graphics (even if this is not the primary goal here).