AP 301
No organization or person shall have access to any students in the Abbotsford School District without the expressed permission of the Superintendent or designate. This includes physical access, electronic access (e.g. telephone, DVD, livestream, internet) or printed access (e.g. brochures, surveys). The school principal is responsible for the conduct of presenter(s), and the content of all presentations.
Speakers who address the whole school must be approved by the Superintendent (or designate). Applications must be submitted in advance to the Superintendent’s office.
1. Access to students and/or school property
1.1 Visitors
- Report to the office and sign in.
- Obtain and display a visitor badge/pass while at the school.
- Return visitor badge/pass and sign out before leaving.
The following exceptions will apply:
- Persons picking up or dropping off students at regular school start/dismissal times.
- Attendees at a school-hosted or school-sponsored event (e.g. sports event, school play, etc.).
1.2 School-wide Presentations
The approval of the Superintendent (or designate) must be obtained before any school-wide presentation, program, or activity sponsored by an external person(s) or organization may be conducted in any school. The principal must provide reasonable notification to parents/guardians about such presentations so that they may gather further information if requested. Approval for school-wide distribution of materials or information for any external person(s) or organization must also be pre-approved by the Superintendent or designate.
1.3 Classroom Presentations
A teacher who wishes to have a guest presenter(s) address his/her class shall obtain approval from the principal, and a Guest Presenter Agreement must be completed and filed in the school office. The teacher must provide reasonable (i.e., minimum of two weeks) notification to parents/guardians about such presentations so that they may gather further information if requested.A teacher must be in the classroom during the guest’s presentation, and the presentation subject matter must be age-appropriate and connected to the curricular competencies for that class/grade. Reference AP 301-1 Guest Presenter Agreement
1.4 Media
The media will not be permitted to interview, photograph or film on school premises or grounds without the express permission of the Superintendent or designate. If either is unavailable, the principal has the discretion to allow such access in the case of a school planned event of a public nature (e.g. sporting event, school assembly, drama presentation). In the event access is permitted to a non-public event (e.g. in class) parental consent must first be obtained. Reference AP 324 – Student Photograph/Video and Media Consent1.5 District Staff and Contractors
All District Staff and Contractors must:
- Report to the office and sign in.
- Identify the area in the school where they will be working.
- Provide an estimate of the duration of the work.
- Obtain and display a visitor badge/pass while at the school, unless they have and display an Abbotsford School District employee photo identification badge
- Ensure all safety precautions are adhered to.
- Return visitor badge/pass and sign out before learning.
2. Distribution of Information or Materials Requiring Parent/Guardian Consent
2.1 The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may direct the principal to obtain signed parent/guardian consent forms prior to access to students and/or the distribution of information or materials. In those cases, the approved organization (or person) must provide the principal with sufficient quantities of consent forms and information materials for school staff to distribute to students.
2.2 All students will be given a consent form to take home for parent/guardian written consent. The principal shall be responsible for the distribution of consent forms and information materials to the students.
- 2.2.1 All signed consent forms for access and/or distribution of information materials will be retained at the school office for a full year.
- 2.2.2 Upon written consent by a parent or guardian, a student will receive the information materials.
3. Distribution of General Information in Schools
3.1 The district recognizes the importance of connecting students and families to relevant community events, programs, services, and opportunities available. A clear process for distribution of General Information to schools in outlined in AP 301-2.
3.4 All approved materials for distribution must comply with Canada's Anti-Spam Law.
AP 301 -1 Guest Presenter Agreement
AP 301- 2 Distribution of General Information – Â鶹ֱ²¥ Events/Programs
AP 211 – Health (Human Sexuality)
AP 305 – Surveys of Students
AP 515 – Commercial Advertising and Solicitation of Funds
Last Revised: September 2023