Students can learn French in an immersion setting in two French Immersion programs.

  • Early immersion K - 12
  • Late French immersion 6 - 12

The Early and Late French Immersion information sessions are open to all interested families. To learn more about our programs, registration and lottery process, please attend our:

French Immersion Information Session

January 13, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at

The early program starts in kindergarten and is offered at four different elementary schools through the District. Students can then continue their French Immersion studies at the middle school level, where they may also begin French Immersion through the Late French Immersion program. Students can earn a Double Dogwood graduation certificate on completing the immersion program through secondary school, all in Abbotsford.

Le programme Français Immersion Précoce commence à l'école maternelle et il est offert dans quatre écoles élémentaires différentes situées à travers la ville d’Abbotsford. Les élèves peuvent ensuite poursuivre leurs études en immersion française au niveau du collège (middle school), où ils peuvent également commencer l'immersion française à travers le programme Français Immersion Tardive. Les étudiants peuvent gagner un certificat d'études Double Dogwood sur l'achèvement du programme d'immersion à l'école secondaire, tout ceci à Abbotsford.

Students can learn French in an immersion setting in our early and late immersion programs. They become fluent in French in addition to completing all the same learning outcomes prescribed by the Ministry of Education in all subject areas. It is therefore a challenging, yet highly rewarding option, especially so as our world becomes more connected across cultural and linguistic borders. Studies show huge benefits to learning a second language in the areas of brain function, financial/professional opportunities, and even personal health and wellness.

Les étudiants peuvent apprendre le français dans un contexte d'immersion dans nos programmes d'immersion précoce et tardive. Ils deviennent courrants en français tout en étudiant les mêmes résultats d'apprentissage dans tous les domaines préscrits par le ministère de l'Éducation. C'est donc un choix exigeant, mais très gratifiant, surtout si on considère le fait que notre monde devient de plus en plus connecté sur le plans culturels et linguistiques. Des études montrent d'énormes avantages venant de l'apprentissage d'une langue seconde dans les domaines de la fonction cérébrale, les possibilités financières / professionnelles, et même la santé personnelle et le bien-être.

Early French Immersion (EFI)

The early French immersion program, which started in our community in 1978, is offered starting in kindergarten at 4 different locations: École Sandy Hill, École Margaret Stenersen, École Centennial Park, and École Clearbrook.
Students then either continue their studies at the middle school level or begin the Late French Immersion program at École intermédiaire Chief Dan George.
French immersion students complete their double Dogwood diploma at the high school level at École secondaire W.J. Mouat.

for more information

Late French Immersion (LFI)

The Late French Immersion program is a unique program that is offered at . Students who register in this intensive program learn French in an immersion setting starting in grade 6. This is an intensive 2-year program. LFI students are then integrated with EFI students in grade 8. Students in this program also receive a double Dogwood diploma upon high school completion.

for more information

Catchment areas for Early French Immersion Schools

To find out which school your elementary-aged French Immersion child would attend, find your address on this map:

Visit our French Immersion schools:
Elementary (Gr.K-5)
Middle (Gr.6-8)
Secondary (Gr.9-12)

For more information contact:  
Natalie de Wit (Languages Helping Teacher) 
Office phone:  604-504-4612, Local 1851
Cell phone:  778-242-5804