Board Approves Local School Calendar for 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 School Years
At the March 12, 2024, board meeting, the Abbotsford Board of Education passed a motion to approve and formalize the school calendars for the 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 school years. The Abbotsford Board of Education is required to create a calendar that meets the legislated requirements of the School Act, and the Abbotsford Teachers Union (ATU) Collective Agreement. These calendars establish the start and end dates of the school year, as well as key holiday breaks and non-instructional days.
These approved school calendars come after parents and the community were invited to provide feedback on the school district's over a two-week period from January 26 to February 9, 2024. A total of 1,031 online calendar survey responses were received, with 74% in support of the proposed calendars. Feedback from secondary school staff expressed concern about the parent-teacher interviews not aligning with the semester system for secondary schools. While a separate date for secondary schools would resolve the problem, this would create another problem for the District’s Transportation Department, which would be unable to complete the two end-of-school runs on time. As a result, the decision reflects a thoughtful balance of stakeholder input and operational considerations, ensuring the best possible outcome for our students and school community.
The 2024-2025 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, following the Labour Day weekend.
Key Dates for Local School Calendars:
2024 - 2025
- School begins the day after Labour Day (September 3, 2024)
- Two-week Winter Break (December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025)
- Two-week Spring Break (March 17 to 28, 2025)
- Good Friday (April 18, 2025)
- Easter Monday (April 21, 2025)
- Six non-instructional days (no classes for students)
2025 - 2026
- School begins the day after Labour Day (September 2, 2025)
- Two-week Winter Break (December 22, 2025 to January 2, 2026)
- Two-week Spring Break (March 16 to 27, 2026)
- Good Friday (April 3, 2026)
- Easter Monday (April 6, 2026)
- Six non-instructional days (no classes for students)
2026 - 2027
- School begins the day after Labour Day (September 8, 2026)
- Two-week Winter Break (December 21, 2026 to January 1, 2027)
- Two-week Spring Break (March 15 to 25, 2027)
- Good Friday (March 26, 2027
- Easter Monday (March 29, 2027)
- Six non-instructional days (no classes for students)
Copies of the approved school calendars are available on all district and school websites, under the calendar feature: www.abbyschools.ca/events/calendar