Fraser Health's Guide to Summer Health
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Keeping kids healthy and safe this summer – tips for parents
As summer approaches, excitement levels rise in anticipation for outdoor adventures, sports and family vacations. Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time to prioritize health and well-being. Below are some tips to help your kids stay active, healthy and safe during the summer months.
Sun protection
Help avoid sunburns by applying a sunscreen lotion with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or more to your children (and yourself) at least 20 minutes before heading outside. Seek shade and stay out of the hot sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Look for places with lots of shade, such as parks with big trees. Take an umbrella or tent to the beach and cover up with a wide brimmed hat, long sleeves and lose-fitting long pants.
Breathe easier
B.C. wildfires and dry weather conditions are common during the summer months resulting in poorer air quality. is the best way to protect your and your family’s health. .
Encourage your children to drink water regularly, before they become thirsty. Instill the habit of always carrying a water bottle with them wherever they go.
Physical activity
Parents who join in on soccer games, splash in the pool or set out on hikes with their children on summer vacation – and all year long – not only get fit themselves but provide healthy role models for the next generation. Healthy, active outdoor play is one of the best ways to improve both adults’ and children’s overall physical and mental health.
Enjoy the bounty of the summer produce
Summer is here, which means fresh fruits and vegetables are in season. This makes it an ideal time to eat some delicious locally grown foods. and are a fun way to enjoy farm fresh fruits and veggies while getting outside and supporting your local farmers.