Highlights - Board Â鶹ֱ²¥ - February 13, 2024
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Â鶹ֱ²¥s can be accessed through the District's . Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
Nominations for the Position of Board Chairperson
In compliance with Board Policies 4 and 5, the Board of Education holds elections for the Chair position to support its governance structure. Trustee Wilson was nominated as Board Chair.
Aberdeen Elementary
Staff and students from Aberdeen provided Trustees with insight into a program being implemented to enhance student well-being through targeted teaching methods and positive behaviour supports.
Chief Dan George Middle
Students from Chief Dan George shared an update on their upcoming school play, Aladdin, and will discuss the preparations and collaborative efforts that make this production a highlight of the school year.
Superintendent's Mid-Year Report
Superintendent Nosek provided a mid-year report on the activities related to the strategic plan and also shared information regarding the next strategic plan cycle to ensure our students continue to be prepared for a lifetime of success.
Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2023-2024
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve having all three readings of the 2023/2024 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw in this one meeting. A recommendation was put forward THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2023/2024 be given first reading. A recommendation was put forward THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2023/2024 be given second reading. A recommendation was put forward THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2023/2024, specifying an expenditure of $275,265,482 be given third reading, reconsidered, and finally passed and adopted on this 13th day of February 2024.
Proposed Boundary Review - Cooper Meadows Development
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the revised boundaries for the Margaret Stenersen Elementary and Prince Charles Elementary catchments; and THAT the Board of Education approve the revised boundaries for the Clayburn Middle and William A. Fraser Middle catchments; and FURTHER THAT the Board of Education approve the revised boundaries for the Robert Bateman Secondary and Yale Secondary catchments, as presented.
Proposed Boundary Review - High Street Village Development
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the revised boundaries for the Dave Kandal Elementary and Blue Jay Elementary catchments as presented.
Skills Canada Provincial Competition Partners' Luncheon Sponsorship
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the request from Skills Canada BC to co-sponsor the 2024 Skills Canada BC Competition Partners’ Luncheon to a maximum amount of $2,500.
Reports by Representatives on External Organizations
Correspondance: BC Public School Employers' Association
Trustee Neufeld provided information about the Annual General Â鶹ֱ²¥ that took place on January 25, 2024.