Light blue overlay of a picture with the school board office in the background with the logo in the center. Abby Blue - Cover Image

Highlights - Board Â鶹ֱ²¥ - March 12, 2024

March 12, 2024

The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Â鶹ֱ²¥s can be accessed through the District's . Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting. 


Irene Kelleher Totí:ltawtxw

Principal Shelley Portas and students shared with trustees their learning experiences and reflections on building connections with one another by sharing stories from their favourite books. These books celebrate the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion, contributing to a rich learning environment for all.

Mt. Lehman Elementary

Students, staff, and parents shared with trustees the various aspects and programs contributing to the school's unique atmosphere, vibrant community spirit, and collaborative efforts defining Mt. Lehman Elementary.


Strategic Plan Engagement & Preliminary Budget for 2024-25 Updates

Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided an update on the 2024-25 Preliminary Budget, which aligns with the revision and renewal of the district's Strategic Plan.

2024-2027 Local School Calendars

A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education adopt the proposed Local School Calendars for the 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 school years.

IB Update

Superintendent Nosek shared a brief update on The International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme.


Barrowtown and Sema:th Elementary Schools - Middle/Secondary Catchment Review

Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education regarding the consultation phase taking place to review the Middle and Secondary catchment area for two elementary schools.

Property Disposition - CORE and ITC Update

Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education regarding the potential disposal of the Centre of Resources for Education (CORE) and Information Technology Centre (ITC) sites and a reminder for the upcoming public information meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.

Board Policy 18 - School Catchment Areas

A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve proposed revised Board Policy 18 - School Catchment Areas, pending the alignment of revisions made to Administrative Procedure 336.

Trustee Announcements