News Stories

Group of 4 male students sitting in chairs in a circle Hawk Cousins Mentorship Program 2023
May 18, 2023

Hawk Cousins Mentorship Program forges relationships and connections between students

W.J. Mouat Secondary School, Chief Dan George Middle School, and Colleen & Gordie Howe Middle School are proud to announce the success of their mentorship program for Indigenous grade 8 students – Hawk Cousins. Launched in February 2023, this progressive program not only aims to facilitate a smooth transition to high school but also emphasizes that valuable role of mentorship in empowering students and creating connections.

Group of 4 male students sitting in chairs in a circle Hawk Cousins Mentorship Program 2023
May 10, 2023

Highlights - Board Â鶹ֱ²¥ - May 9, 2023

The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Â鶹ֱ²¥s can be accessed through the District's . Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting. 

Two elementary students stand holding a poster about the Cereal Drive Clearbrook Cereal Drive 2023
May 9, 2023

Abbotsford school kids hoping to collect 1,000 boxes of cereal for unhoused youth

Teresa Seo’s class at Clearbrook elementary preparing for cereal drive at school and in community.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and some Abbotsford students are ensuring everyone gets their share.

All four Grade 5 classes at Clearbrook elementary school are working hard to collect 1,000 boxes of cereal and oatmeal, which they’ll donate to Abbotsford’s Cyrus Centre, which provides housing for youth in the community.

Two elementary students stand holding a poster about the Cereal Drive Clearbrook Cereal Drive 2023
Exterior image of Rick Hansen Secondary Rick Hansen Secondary Exterior
May 9, 2023

Air quality funding coming to two Abbotsford schools

Abbotsford, British Columbia, May 8, 2023 â€” Today, the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of International Development and Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, and the Honourable Rachna Singh, B.C. Minister of Education and Child Care, announced a joint investment of more than $3.2 million to improve ventilation systems in five elementary and secondary schools in British Columbia.

Exterior image of Rick Hansen Secondary Rick Hansen Secondary Exterior
Five male golfers pose with two plaque trophies for wining tournament RBSS Golf Academy Sandpiper Win 2023
May 5, 2023

Abbotsford’s Robert Bateman golf team wins big at Sandpiper Golf Course tournament

The Robert Bateman Secondary School golf team kept rolling and picked up another win at the Sandpiper High School Golf Invitational tournament, which occurred on Monday (May 1) and Tuesday (May 2) in Harrison Mills.

The senior team of Maxim McKenzie, Owen Crockett, Ryan Burns, Aiden Cook and Emerson Bronsema compiled a two-day score of 583 (seven over par). McKenzie posted the individual low overall gross score.

Bateman also posted wins at the Victoria Police High School golf tournament and the Delta Police High School Golf Tournament, which both took place in April.

Five male golfers pose with two plaque trophies for wining tournament RBSS Golf Academy Sandpiper Win 2023
Two student winners pose for photo with their medals
May 4, 2023

Abbotsford Students are heading to Skills Canada National Competition

Students from Abbotsford brought home 5 medals from the Skills Canada BC Provincial Competition, which took place on April 19, 2023, at the Tradex. The competition featured students from across the province showcasing their skills in trades, serving as the next round of competitions following the regionals held in early March. From Electrical Wiring, Carpentry, Automotive Service, and TV and Film, students successfully demonstrated their expertise, showcased their mastery of the trade and highlighted their creative talents.

Two student winners pose for photo with their medals
two women smiling holding a box of cookies Smile Cookie Campaign - May 2023
May 3, 2023

Smile Cookie Campaign Supports Abbotsford Students

Smile Cookie Week is here, with Tim Hortons announcing that the annual campaign will take place from May 1 – 7 in communities nationwide. In Abbotsford, 100% of the proceeds collected from the sale of the iconic pink and blue smile cookies will go directly to the Abbotsford School District’s “Back to School†event, providing students and families who need extra support with a backpack of school supplies, hygiene products, and food hampers.

two women smiling holding a box of cookies Smile Cookie Campaign - May 2023
Picture of the School Board Office building with Abbotsford logo overtop BOE - Cover - Navy
April 11, 2023

Highlights - Board Â鶹ֱ²¥ - April 11, 2023

The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Â鶹ֱ²¥s can be accessed through the District's . Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting. 

Picture of the School Board Office building with Abbotsford logo overtop BOE - Cover - Navy
Illustration with voice boxes and graphics in them 2023 Strat Plan+Budget Banner
March 30, 2023

School District launches public consultation for 2023-24 Strategic Plan and Budget cycle

In accordance with the School Act, the Abbotsford Board of Education must approve a balanced budget by June 30th each year. The Abbotsford School District is currently preparing its budget for the 2023-24 school year and is inviting employees, families and community members to share their voice in the consultation process. 

Illustration with voice boxes and graphics in them 2023 Strat Plan+Budget Banner