Policy 10 – Policy Formation and Review
Policy development is a key responsibility of the Board of Education. Policies constitute the will of the Board in determining how the School District operates. Policies provide effective direction and guidelines for the action of the Board, Superintendent, staff, students, electors and the broader community. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all who may be interested in or connected with the operation of the school district. Adoption of new Board policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board.
The Board is guided in its policy making by the requirements to provide public education which is in compliance with the and provincial legislation. The Board encourages interested groups and individuals to participate in the policy development process.
Board policies shall provide an appropriate balance between the responsibility of the Board to develop the broad guidelines to guide the district and the responsibility of the Superintendent to exercise professional judgment in the administration of the district.
The Board shall adhere to the following stages in policy development:
- Planning
The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall assess the need for a policy and identify its critical attributes. - Development
The Board may develop the policy or delegate the responsibility. - Implementation
The Board is responsible for the implementation of its own governance policies. The Board and the Superintendent share the responsibility for implementation of policies relating to the Board- Superintendent relationship. The Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of administrative procedures. - Review/Evaluation
The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall evaluate each policy in a timely manner in order to determine whether or not it is meeting its intended purpose.
Policy development, approval and review may occur as follows:
- A proposal to adopt, amend or rescind a policy shall be initiated by a notice of motion at a regular meeting of the Board. Such notice of motion should include background information and recommendations for a consultative process.
- At a subsequent meeting, trustees, staff, or other groups, may offer input and reactions towards a draft policy.
- Once input has been received, the Board will give direction for a final draft policy to be presented at a regular Board meeting for:
3.1 final approval, or
3.2 referral for additional amendments - When appropriate, the Superintendent shall seek legal advice on the intent and the wording of the policy.
- Approval of a policy shall be by Board motion.
- In the absence of existing policy, the Board may make decisions, by resolution, on matters affecting the administration, management and operation of the district. Such decisions carry the weight of policy until such time as specific written policy is developed.
- The Board may request the Superintendent to change an administrative procedure to a draft Board policy.
- The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures as specified in Policy 12 – Delegation of Authority and may develop such other procedures as deemed necessary for the effective operation of the district. These procedures must be in accordance with Board policies.
- The Board may also repeal a policy and subsequently delegate the Superintendent authority over this area. The Superintendent may choose to then develop an administrative procedure relative to this matter.
- The Superintendent must inform the Board of any changes to administrative procedures in a timely fashion.
- Changes to administrative procedures of a significant and/or material nature must be presented to the Board prior to implementation.
- All Board policies and administrative procedures shall be posted on the district’s .
Last Revised: November 5, 2024