Policy 11 – Role of the Superintendent

The Board of Education recognizes the need for one person to have the overall responsibility for the management of the School District in order to provide leadership and oversight. Therefore, the Board designates the Superintendent as the Chief Executive Officer and delegates to the Superintendent responsibility for overall administration of the district. The Superintendent is responsible for providing reports which focus on governance implications and is accountable to the corporate Board for the conduct, management, and operation of the district, for providing leadership in administration and instructional programs and for ensuring compliance with legislative requirements and statutes. All Board authority delegated to the staff of the district is delegated through the Superintendent, except for matters that are delegated to the Secretary-Treasurer through legislation or the decisions of the board.


Specific areas of Superintendent’s responsibility are:

  1. Student Welfare
    1.1 Establish a safe caring and orderly learning environment that supports the general well-being of all students.
    1.2 Ensure the safety and welfare of students while participating in school programs or while being transported to or from school programs on transportation authorized by the School District.
    1.3 Ensure facilities adequately accommodate students.
  2. Student Learning
    2.1 Provide leadership in all matters relating to the operation of the district.
    2.2 Ensure students have the opportunity to meet the standards of education as set out by the Ministry of Education.
    2.3 Implement policies/directions established by the Ministry of Education and make the Board aware of pertinent legislative changes.
    2.4 Engage in professional development activities to ensure the excellence, efficacy, and relevance of current educational practice.
  3. Fiscal Responsibility
    3.1 Ensure that the fiscal management by the Secretary-Treasurer is in accordance with the terms or conditions of any funding received by the Board.
    3.2 Ensure the district operates in a fiscally and ethically responsible manner, including adherence to generally accepted accounting principles.
    3.3 Ensure financial resources are expended in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board, except in the event of an emergency.
    3.4 Provide the Board with a recommended annual operating and capital budget along with periodic statements of revenue and expenditure.
    3.5 Ensure that the procurement procedures in place are in compliance with public sector standards, and that they will minimize cost, consider local businesses and vendors and obtain competitive and fair prices and quality.
    3.6 Ensure that insurance coverage is in place to adequately protect assets, indemnify liabilities and provide for reasonable risk management.
    3.7 Ensure budget consultations adequately engage the community, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders.
  4. Human Resource Management
    4.1 Have overall authority and responsibility for all personnel-related matters, except the development of mandates for collective bargaining and those personnel matters precluded by legislation, collective agreements or Board policy.
    4.2 Promote a high standard of collaborative professional leadership, effective and respectful human relationships, in an environment of respect, opportunity and innovation throughout the district.
    4.3 Ensure a performance management system for the evaluation and improvement of all staff is in place.
  5. Policy/Administrative Procedures
    5.1 Provide leadership and assistance in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of Board policies and administrative procedures.
    5.2 Inform the Board of Education of changes to administrative procedures and seek approval of any changes made to administrative procedures associated with Board policy.
  6. Superintendent/Board Relations
    6.1 Establish and maintain a positive and impartial, professional working relationship with the Board.
    6.2 Respect and honour the Board’s rights, roles and responsibilities, and facilitate the implementation of that role as defined in Board policy.
    6.3 Keep the Board informed and updated through educational and financial information reports, meetings and other forms of communication.
    6.4 Consult with the Board to develop and implement the district’s orientation program for newly elected trustees.
  7. Strategic Planning and Reporting
    7.1 Lead the District Performance Planning and Strategic Planning process and implement the plan as approved.
    7.2 Involve the Board appropriately in this process, including determining the process and timelines, Board identification of priorities, provision for Board input early in the process and final Board approval.
    7.3 Report regularly on results achieved.
  8. Organizational Management
    8.1 Demonstrate effective organizational skills resulting in district compliance with all legal, Ministerial and Board mandates and timelines.
    8.2 Report to the Minister of Education with respect to matters identified in and required by the
    8.3 Define processes for gathering, analyzing and using data for decision making.
  9. Communications and Â鶹ֱ˛Ą Relations
    9.1 Ensure open, transparent, positive external and internal communications are developed and maintained.
    9.2 Develop and maintain positive and effective relations with provincial and regional government departments and agencies.
  10. Leadership Practices
    10.1 Practice leadership in a manner that is viewed positively and has the support of those with whom he works most directly in carrying out the directives of the Board and the Minister.
    10.2 Model appropriate values, ethics and moral leadership.

Superintendent Evaluation Process Criteria and Timelines

Evaluation Process

Provides for both accountability and growth, and the strengthening of the relationship between the Board and the Superintendent. The written evaluation report will affirm specific accomplishments and identify growth areas where applicable. Some growth goals may address areas of weakness while others will identify areas where greater emphasis is required due to changes in the environment.

  1. Provides for an annual written evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance.
  2. Recognizes that the Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer. The Superintendent is held accountable for work performed primarily by other senior administrators, e.g., fiscal management.
  3. Emphasizes the need for and requires the use of evidence for evaluation purposes. Evaluations are most helpful when the evaluator provides concrete evidence of strengths and/or weaknesses. The Performance Assessment Guide identifies quality indicators (QI), which describe expectations in regard to each assigned role expectation (RE).
  4. Is aligned with and based upon the Superintendent’s roles and responsibilities. The Board policy (Policy 11) is consistent with this evaluation document.
  5. Is aligned with the district’s Strategic Plan and the key results contained therein.
  6. Sets out standards of performance. The quality indicators (QI) in the Performance Assessment Guide set out initial standards. When growth goals are identified, additional standards will need to be set to provide clarity of expectations and a means of assessing performance.
  7. Is also a performance-based assessment system. Such an evaluation focuses on improvement over time. The second and subsequent evaluations include an assessment of the Superintendent’s success in addressing growth areas identified in the previous evaluation.
  8. Uses multiple data sources.
  9. Elicits evidence to support subjective assessments. This must be the case when the Board provides feedback regarding Board agendas, committee and Board meetings, etc.
  10. Ensures Board feedback is provided regularly. Such feedback will be timely, provided annually, supported by specific examples and will focus on areas over which the Superintendent has authority. The Superintendent cannot be held accountable for areas over which they have not been given authority.

The Superintendent will maintain an electronic evidence binder which will be provided to the Board approximately one week prior to the evaluation workshop. The purpose of the evidence binder is to provide evidence that the quality indicators identified in Appendix B have been achieved. Therefore, evidence will be organized in regard to the quality indicators.

The Board and the Superintendent will be present during the facilitated evaluation session. The Superintendent will ensure the Board has full information and may choose to enter into discussion to ensure the evidence provided has been understood. The Superintendent will only be absent from the room just prior to the evaluation and for the period when the Board constructs the conclusion section. The evidence examined will be in the form of internal reports or external reports. An external report is one from an external source such as an auditor or the consultant who would conduct Leadership Practices interviews. An internal report is one that comes through the Superintendent. A prime example would be a personnel Management accountability report. The Board will review the indicated evidence and determine whether, or to what extent, the quality indicators have been achieved. In addition, the corporate Board will supplement the evidence contained in the evidence portfolio with agreed-upon direct Board observations. For example, this would be most evident in the section Superintendent/Board Relations.

During the evaluation workshop, a written evaluation report will be facilitated by the external consultant, which will document:

  • The evaluation process;
  • Evaluation context;
  • Assessments relative to the criteria (quality indicators) noted in Appendix B;
  • An examination of progress made relative to any growth goals or redirections identified in the previous year’s evaluation;
  • Identification of any growth goals if deemed appropriate for the coming year; and
  • A “conclusion” section, followed by appropriate signatures and dates.

The assessments contained in the evaluation report will reflect only the corporate Board position. This report will be approved by Board motion. The actual report is a confidential document. A signed copy will be provided to the Superintendent and a second signed copy will be placed in the Superintendent’s personnel file held by the District.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for the first evaluation will be those set out in Appendix B: The Performance Assessment Guide. In subsequent evaluations, the criteria will be those defined by the Performance Assessment Guide as listed or revised after each evaluation, plus any growth goals provided by the Board in previous written evaluation report(s). Such growth goals may be areas requiring remediation or actions which must be taken to address trends, issues, or external realities. For the Role Expectation “Leadership Practices”, an external consultant will collect data relative to leadership practices by interviewing a quarter of the principals, all eight “direct reports” and four members of the operations management staff. “Direct reports” are defined to be those individuals who report directly to the Superintendent on the District’s organizational chart. The Superintendent will place principals in 4 groups and the board will choose which group is to be interviewed. Likewise, the Superintendent will place operations staff into groups of four and the Board will choose which group will be interviewed.

Appendix B is the Performance Assessment Guide, which is intended to clarify for the Superintendent the performance expectations held by the corporate Board. This guide is also intended to be used by the Board to evaluate the performance of the Superintendent in regard to each job expectation. The Board will review the indicated evidence and will determine during the evaluation workshop whether, or to what extent, the quality indicators have been achieved.

Timelines for Evaluations

This Evaluation will be conducted during the month of May on a mutually agreeable date. The Superintendent will provide the Board with his evidence portfolio at least one week in advance of the evaluation workshop. Likewise, the Consultant will provide the Board with a report of the verbatim responses from the interviews and a proposed insert to the leadership practices section of the evaluation report.   

Legal Reference:           Section 22, 85 School Act

Superintendent Performance Assessment Guide

  1. Student Welfare
    Role Expectations:
    RE 1.1 Establish a safe caring and orderly learning environment that supports the general well-being of all students.
    RE 1.2 Ensure the safety and welfare of students while participating in school programs or while being transported to or from school programs on transportation authorized by the School District.
    RE 1.3 Ensure facilities adequately accommodate students.

    Quality Indicators relative to Student Welfare:
    QI 1.1 Develops measurements and monitors progress relative to providing a safe and caring environment.
    QI 1.2 Provides an annual student well-being accountability report.
  2. Student Learning
    Role Expectations:
    RE 2.1 Provide leadership in all matters relating to the operation of the District.
    RE 2.2 Ensure students have the opportunity to meet the standards of education as set out by the Ministry of Education.
    RE 2.3 Implement policies/directions established by the Ministry of Education and make the Board aware of pertinent legislative changes.
    RE 2.4 Engage in professional development activities to ensure the excellence, efficacy, and relevance of current educational practice.

    Quality Indicators relative to Student Learning:
    QI 2.1 Annually conducts an analysis of student success and ensures school principals develop action plans to address concerns.
    QI 2.2 Identifies trends and issues related to student achievement to inform the strategic planning process, including the implementation of innovative means to improve measurable student achievement.
    QI 2.3 There is measurable improved student achievement over time.
  3. Fiscal Responsibility
    Role Expectations:
    RE 3.1 Ensure that the fiscal management by the Secretary-Treasurer is in accordance with the terms or conditions of any funding received by the Board.
    RE 3.2 Ensure the district operates in a fiscally and ethically responsible manner, including adherence to generally accepted accounting principles.
    RE 3.3 Ensure financial resources are expended in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board, except in the event of an emergency.
    RE 3.4 Provide the Board with a recommended annual operating and capital budget along with periodic statements of revenue and expenditure.
    RE 3.5 Ensure that procurement procedures in place are in compliance with public sector standards, and that they will minimize cost, consider local businesses and vendors and obtain competitive and fair prices and quality.
    RE 3.6 Ensure that insurance coverage is in place to adequately protect assets, indemnify liabilities and provide for reasonable risk management.

    Quality Indicators relative to Fiscal Responsibility:
    QI 3.1 Ensures accepted (PSAB) accounting principles are being followed.
    QI 3.2 Ensures all deficiencies identified in the previous audit report and management letter have been remediated to the satisfaction of the auditor.
    QI 3.3 Ensures adequate internal financial controls exist and are being followed.
    QI 3.4 Ensures all collective agreements and contracts are being administered and interpreted so staff and contracted personnel are being paid appropriately and appropriate deductions are being made.
    QI 3.5 Ensures an internal audit process is developed and implemented in regard to schoolbased funds and an annual report provided to the Board. 
    QI 3.6 Provides the Board with quarterly financial accountability reports.
    QI 3.7 Ensures the Board is informed immediately regarding pending litigation.
  4. Human Resource Management
    Role Expectations:
    RE 4.1 Have overall authority and responsibility for all personnel-related matters, except the development of mandates for collective bargaining and those personnel matters precluded by legislation, collective agreements or Board policy.
    RE 4.2 Promote a high standard of collaborative professional leadership, effective and respectful human relationships, in an environment of respect, opportunity and innovation throughout the district.
    RE 4.3 Ensure a performance management system for the evaluation and improvement of all staff is in place.

    Quality Indicators relative to Human Resource Management:
    QI 4.1 Develops and effectively implements quality recruitment, orientation, staff development, disciplinary, evaluation and supervisory processes.
    QI 4.2 Models commitment to personal and professional growth.
    QI 4.3 Fosters high standards of instruction and professional improvement 
    QI 4.4Provides for training of administrators and the development of leadership capacity within the District.
  5. Policy/Administrative Procedures
    Role Expectations:
    RE 5.1 Provide leadership and assistance in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of Board policies and administrative procedures.
    RE 5.2 Inform the Board of Education of changes to administrative procedures and seek approval of any changes made to administrative procedures associated with Board policy.

    Quality Indicators relative to Policy/Administrative Procedures:
    QI 5.1 Appropriately involves individuals and groups in the administrative procedures development process.
    QI 5.2 Ensures system adherence to policies and administrative procedures.
    QI 5.3 Demonstrates a knowledge of and respect for the role of the Board in policy processes.
  6. Superintendent/Board Relations
    Role Expectations:
    RE 6.1 Establish and maintain a positive and impartial, professional working relationship with the Board.
    RE 6.2 Respect and honour the Board’s rights, roles and responsibilities, and facilitate the implementation of that role as defined in Board policy.
    RE 6.3 Keep the board informed and updated through educational and financial information reports, meetings and other forms of communication.
    RE 6.4 Consult with the Board to develop and implement the District’s orientation program for newly elected trustees.

    Quality Indicators relative to Superintendent/Board Relations:
    QI 6.1 Implements Board decisions with integrity in a timely fashion.
    QI 6.2 Interacts with the Board in an open, honest, proactive and professional manner.
    QI 6.3 Provides the Board with balanced, sufficient, concise information and clear recommendations.
    QI 6.4 Ensures Board agendas are prepared and distributed to trustees in sufficient time to allow for appropriate trustee preparation for the meeting.
    QI 6.5 Keeps the Board informed on sensitive issues in a timely manner.
    QI 6.6 Ensures high-quality management services are provided to the Board.
  7. Strategic Planning and Reporting
    Role Expectations:
    RE 7.1 Lead the District Performance Planning and Strategic Planning process and implement the plan as approved.
    RE 7.2 Involve the Board appropriately in this process, including determining the process and timelines, Board identification of priorities, provision for Board input early in the process and final Board approval.
    RE 7.3 Report regularly on results achieved.

    Quality Indicators relative to Strategic Planning and Reporting:
    QI 7.1 Ensures key results identified by the Board are achieved.
    QI 7.2 Ensures the strategic planning process involves opportunity for stakeholder input.
    QI 7.3 Ensures facility project budgets and construction schedules are followed or timely variance reports are provided to the Board.
  8. Organizational Management
    Role Expectations:
    RE 8.1 Demonstrate effective organizational skills resulting in District compliance with all legal, Ministerial and Board mandates and timelines.
    RE 8.2 Report to the Minister of Education with respect to matters identified in and required by the .
    RE 8.3 Define processes for gathering, analyzing and using data for decision making.

    Quality Indicators relative to Organizational Management:
    QI 8.1 Ensures District compliance with all BC Ministry of Education and Board mandates (timelines and quality).
  9. Communications and Â鶹ֱ˛Ą Relations
    Role Expectations:
    RE 9.1 Ensure open, transparent, positive external and internal communications are developed and maintained.
    RE 9.2 Develop and maintain positive and effective relations with provincial and regional government departments and agencies.

    Quality Indicators relative to Communications and Â鶹ֱ˛Ą Relations:
    QI 9.1 Manages conflict effectively.
    QI 9.2 Ensures information is disseminated to inform appropriate publics.
    QI 9.3 Works cooperatively with the media to represent the Board’s views/positions.
    QI 9.4 Promotes positive public engagement in the District
    QI 9.5 Represents the District in a positive, professional manner.
  10. Leadership Practices
    Role Expectations:
    RE 10.1 Practice leadership in a manner that is viewed positively and has the support of those with whom he works most directly in carrying out the directives of the Board and the Minister.
    RE 10.2 Model appropriate values, ethics and moral leadership.

    Quality Indicators relative to Leadership Practices:
    QI 10.1 Provides clear direction.
    QI 10.2 Provides effective educational leadership.
    QI 10.3 Establishes and maintains positive, professional working relationships with staff.
    QI 10.4 Unites people toward common goals.
    QI 10.5 I trust the Superintendent.
    QI 10.6 Empowers others.
    QI 10.7 Effectively solves problems.

Interview Guide
Superintendent Leadership Practices

Perceptions of randomly selected Principals, Operations Management Staff and all Superintendent “Direct Reports” 

  1. What evidence can you cite to support or refute the following:
    1.1 The Superintendent provides clear direction?
    1.2 The Superintendent provides effective educational leadership?
    1.3 The Superintendent establishes and maintains positive, professional working relationships with staff?
    1.4 The Superintendent unites people toward common goals. 
    1.5 I trust the Superintendent?
    1.6 The Superintendent empowers others?
    1.7 The Superintendent effectively solves problems?
  2. What does the Superintendent do, if anything, that helps you do your job effectively?
  3. What does the Superintendent do, if anything, that makes doing your job more difficult to do effectively?

Last Revised: December 7, 2021
