Policy 12 – Delegation of Authority

The allows for the Board to delegate certain of its responsibilities and powers to others.

The Board exercises its authority by delegating specific and general administrative and management duties to the Superintendent of Schools, who is designate the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the School District. The Secretary-Treasurer acts as the Corporate Officer of the Board in accordance with provisions of the


The Board authorizes the Superintendent to do any act or thing or exercise any power that the Board may do, or is required to do or exercise, except those matters which, in accordance with provincial legislation, cannot be delegated.


Notwithstanding the above, the Board also reserves to itself the authority to make decisions on specific matters requiring Board approval in accordance with Board policies. Further, the Board requires that any new provincial, regional or local obligations must be initially brought to the Board for discussion and determination of decision making authority.


The Superintendent is directed to develop an administrative procedure to fulfill Board obligations created by any federal legislation or provincial legislation.


In the absence of Board policy in cases where an immediate administrative response is required the Superintendent will:

  1. If time permits, consult with the Board Chair.
  2. Inform the Board as soon as is practicable and at the next regular meeting of the action taken and the nature of the emergent issue and where warranted, the need for policy in the event of future occurrences.
  3. The action must be taken with regard for the tenor of the Board’s foundational statements.

Last Revised: January 21, 2025
