Policy 13 – Recruitment and Selection of Personnel
The Board of Education recognizes the Superintendent as the Chief Executive Officer and believes that the recruitment and selection of school district personnel is primarily the responsibility of the Superintendent.
The Board further believes strong leadership and administration at the District and school levels are essential for the effective and efficient operation of the school system.
A detailed job description and a position posting will be developed for all permanent vacancies and newly created positions. The responsibility for developing the job description and the position posting will rest with the senior manager responsible for the program or school in which the vacancy occurs. All job descriptions and position postings must be approved by the Superintendent and/or Secretary-Treasurer.
- The Board, in the case of the Superintendent, or the Superintendent or designate, in all other instances, will assume sole responsibility for initiating the recruitment process and will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all current district employees are made aware of staff vacancies.
- The Board has the sole authority to recruit and select an individual for the position of Superintendent.
The following process will be followed for the Secretary-Treasurer, Deputy Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents:
3.1 The Board and Superintendent shall constitute the selection committee.3.2 The selection committee shall be responsible for screening applicants, the creation of a short list of candidates and a selection process for these positions.
3.3 The selection committee will attempt to achieve consensus.
3.4 In the event consensus is not possible, the successful candidate must be supported by a majority unrecorded vote of the trustees and Superintendent. The Superintendent must be one of the votes in the majority.
3.5 These positions shall have a role description and the person occupying each of the positions shall have a written contract of employment.
3.6 The compensation package, including placement on the salary grid currently in effect, will be determined by the Superintendent in accordance with the parameters established by the Board.
The following process will be followed for all other excluded management and school-based administrative positions:
4.1 Selection committees for each position will be comprised as follows:Director Superintendent or designate, Secretary-Treasurer or designate, Deputy Superintendent, one or more Assistant Superintendents (maximum 6) Manager/Other Exempt Staff Superintendent or designate, Secretary-Treasurer or designate, Director to whom the position reports District Principal or Vice Principal Superintendent or designate, Deputy Superintendent, one or more Assistant Superintendents, the Director to whom the position reports (maximum 5) School Based Administrator Superintendent or designate, Deputy Superintendent, two Assistant Superintendents Communication Manager Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer Executive Assistant – Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer 4.2 The Superintendent may also request up to two trustees and/or the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources (or designate) to participate in selection committees.
4.3 Once applications have been received, a long list of qualified applicants will be compiled by the senior manager responsible for the department in which the vacancy occurs.
4.4 The selection committee shall be responsible for the creation of a short list of candidates and a selection process for these positions.
4.5 The selection committee will attempt to achieve consensus.
4.6 In the event consensus is not possible, the successful candidate must be supported by a majority unrecorded vote of the Selection Committee.
4.7 Once the selection committee has reached a consensus, the Board shall be informed by the Superintendent, and the candidates may be informed of the outcome.
4.8 The compensation package, including placement on the salary grid currently in effect, will be determined by the Superintendent in accordance with the parameters established by the Board.
4.9 The Superintendent is delegated the authority to make all decisions regarding the term and/or continuing appointments of excluded management staff.
4.10 In the event of an unexpected or short-term vacancy, the Superintendent may appoint someone into an “acting” position without going through a formal selection process.
4.11 All offers of employment shall be conditional on the successful applicant providing a criminal records check that is acceptable to the Superintendent or designate.
4.12 A representative from the HR department will assist in managing the selection process.
Last Revised: June 18, 2024