Policy 9 – Board Representative

In response to requests from external organizations or agencies, the Board of Education will give consideration to naming representatives to various external Boards or committees. Such representation is established at the discretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange of information on matters of mutual interest. The Board believes that trustees will represent the school district’s interests when participating in the work of external organizations or agencies as its appointed representative. Appointments to these committees will be reviewed annually by the Board.


Matters designated as confidential by the Board will not be disclosed, disseminated, published or communicated in any manner by any trustee without the prior authorization of the Board.




Representatives generally have the following terms of reference:

  1. Purpose
    1.1 To represent the Board’s positions and interests.
  2. Powers and Duties
    2.1 To attend meetings.
    2.2 To provide input from the Board’s perspective.
    2.3 To communicate to the Board and the Superintendent the workings of the body.
    2.4 To bring recommendations to the Board.
  3. Membership
    3.1 Membership as determined by the Board.
    3.2 Appointment as determined by the Board Chair.

The Board will provide a list of trustee representatives to external organizations or agencies on the School District .


  Trustees will submit an annual report of the meeting of the committee.

Last Revised: November 5, 2024
